Since 2013, our Program has built and maintained Sustaining Places, an online encyclopedia for small museum management. Over time, Sustaining Places became one of the largest free repositories of such advice, covering everything from applying for 501(c)3 status to developing a digital strategy and navigating the pandemic. Every year, students in the Graduate Certificate Introduction course refresh content in one or two sections, so that the entire site is reviewed every five years. As a result, in 2019, Sustaining Places was visited by about fifteen unique users every day, and any time a link was broken, we usually heard about it from users in Ohio or California before we could discover it ourselves!
This year, the site has been completely redesigned, along with updated sections on Administration and COVID-19. The redesign is compliant with new updates to WordPress, meets web accessibility standards, and we hope will make Sustaining Places more usable and enjoyable.
So, please check it out at, spread the word about this resource, and let us know what you think by commenting on our suggestions page or emailing us directly at